Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year

If you know me, then at some point in our friendship you have probably either thought or uttered aloud "Holy Cow, this girl watches waaaaay too many movies". I have a habit of quoting and referencing movies, television shows, and books much to the annoyance of my friends and family. Sometimes I get lucky and reference something fairly well known, so I get a smile or a nod or at least someone else understanding what I am talking about. Most of the time, though, I reference something that apparently only I and a handful of other people know about and then I get stared at like I have several heads or my face just turned purple [but not in a good way].

One of the things that people find odd about me is that there are a lot of movies that are considered "classics" or "awesome" or "the best chick flick ever" [gag] that I have never watched. One of those is the Back to the Future movies [my friends Jackie and Michael will probably go to their graves insisting that we need to have an all day marathon if I don't add those movies to my list].

When I was going through a list of things that I wanted to do in 2012, some of the most common thoughts were occuring to me. I want to work out more regularly, I want to eat better, I want to excel at my job and be kinder to people. One of the other parts of my personality that I have been working on lately is that I want to try new things. I tend to find a few things that I like [quesadillas, my core group of friends, movies and books I have experienced a million times] and just stick with my comfort zone. In the past year or so I tried to branch out in trying new foods and discovered that I love blueberries, Laura's Spinach and Artichoke Dip, and my friend Matty Satty's delicious Lasagna.

I decided that one of my many resolutions [and probably the only one that will last] is that I want to watch one new [to me] movie each week for 2012, giving me at least 52 new movies to see this year.

I have already started, even though it technically did not count. My friend Stormi lent me the original The Day The Earth Stood Still and I watched it on New Year's Eve to kick off my new year with a new movie.

I'm hoping to blog a little bit about each movie [though I am fairly long-winded, so a "little bit" may end up as a "lot bit"] after I see it. I've asked for suggestions for movies to watch and I am adding them to my list [yes, even the sappy, dopey, romantic comedy ones. I'm drawing the line at Lifetime and Hallmark movies, though. There's only so much I can take].

Will you come along with me on this journey? Will you help support me when I just cannot bring myself to watch another movie?

Also, will you please bring the popcorn? No kettle corn, though. That stuff is gross.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! And if you bring your butt to Florida this year I'll supply the comfy cushions, popcorn and maybe even the movie! Love you and miss you! Good luck!
